Alpine Breakfast Pizza
This unique pizza is inspired by a delicious puff pastry breakfast tart recipe that Williams Sonoma published. And when we come across a great recipe, we love to put our own spin on it and adapt it for outdoor cooking.
Crème fraîche and Swiss Gruyere cheese are topped with smoky bacon, an egg and fresh chives. You’ll be craving this pizza for more than breakfast.
- 1/2 batch White Wine Pizza Dough, about 14 ounces
- 2 tablespoons crème fraîche
- 4 ounces Swiss Gruyère cheese, shredded
- 2 slices bacon, cooked nearly crisp and cut up
- 1 egg
- 4 chives, cut to 1/2-inch lengths
Prepare the pizza oven or grill for baking pizza (see separate instructions below).
Form the dough to roughly a 12-inch pizza crust. Gently spread on the crème fraîche and top with Swiss Gruyère cheese. Add the bacon and transfer to a pizza peel.
For the Artisan Fire Pizza Oven (3 minute cooking time)
Preheat the oven with the back burner on HIGH and the bottom burner on LOW for at least 20 minutes.
Transfer the pizza to the oven. As soon as the dough is “set” on the bottom (about 30 seconds), insert a pizza screen underneath the pizza and crack the egg onto the center of the pizza.
Continue cooking the pizza for another 2 to 3 minutes until the egg is barely cooked over easy before removing from the oven (instructions continue below).
For the Grill (12 minute cooking time)
Preheat the grill with the hood closed and a pizza stone on the grill grate until the stone is thoroughly heated to 500ºF. This can require up to 1 hour. (Some stones must be used in the indirect zone. Some can be placed directly over the fire.)
Transfer the pizza to the stone. Close the hood and cook for 2 minutes. Crack the egg onto the center of the pizza, close the hood again and cook for an additional 10 minutes or until the egg is barely cooked over easy.
When the pizza is ready, sprinkle on the chives. Break the yolk and let it run onto the pizza before cutting and serving.