Cooking Surface Options for K750H Series Grills

K750H Series Grills utilize 3 (standard rod) or 3 (laser-cut) surfaces for the main grilling area. The standard surfaces are crafted from heavy stainless steel rods for perfect grill marks. Custom surfaces, laser-cut from ¼-inch-thick slabs of stainless steel, are available for an enhanced grilling experience. You may choose to upgrade the entire grill to laser-cut surfaces or purchase these surfaces as additional items.
For an additional fee, laser-cut surfaces may be personalized with letters, logos or other artwork. If desired, please specify which surface(s) you would like to bear this personalization.
About the laser-cut surface patterns:
Meat: The meat pattern is optimized for cooking supporting just about any type of meat — supporting it while maximizing exposure to the open flame below. Because of the flat surface profile, the meat surface is ideal for burgers or other ground meats that are handled with a flat turner for flipping.
Fish: The fish pattern maximizes support for delicate fish fillets while still allowing some exposure to the flame below. Because of its significant contact area, the fish surface also excels at Cajun-style blackening or providing an allover “pan-sear” for steaks. You can even use it for grilling marinated fajita vegetables or stir frywhile preserving a good portion of the juices.
Vegetable: The vegetable pattern is optimized for grilling asparagus, green beans and other small items without the need for a grill basket. The slots are specifically sized to prevent these items from falling through the grate. The vegetable pattern is also the best all-around design for a variety of cooking tasks because it balances support for the food with exposure to the flame below.