
Triple S Rubbed Chicken Thighs

Triple S is a homemade Smoky Seasoned Salt blend, and it is pure magic for chicken and pork. Rub down the thighs with this mixture that includes smoked salt, smoked paprika and tumeric, and grill-roast them to tender perfection with a crispy crust.

By Russ Faulk, Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet
Serves 6
Image of Triple S Rubbed Chicken Thighs

  • Olive oil
  • 8 chicken thighs (bone-in, skin-on)
  • Triple S Rub (about half a batch)

Prepare the grill for indirect grilling at 500º to 600ºF.

Brush the chicken thighs with olive oil and season liberally with Triple S Rub.

Place the chicken in the indirect grilling zone and roast with the skin-side up and the hood closed for about 20 minutes (or until almost completely cooked with an internal temperature reading 165ºF). Transfer to the direct grilling zone and cook with the skin-side down for about 1 minute to crisp up the outside.
